Frequently asked questions
The Gift voucher is valid for 3 months. The date and address are shown on the voucher.
If you order a PDF voucher, you will receive it immediately in your email. Please also check your Spam folder. The voucher should be in your email in a few minutes. If you still don't receive it within 30 minutes, call us to resend it.
If you order a physical voucher in a ribbon envelope, your order will be sent within two business days. We try to make this as quick as possible, even on the same day. If you are in a hurry or the voucher is for a specific occasion, please phone us to let us know the order is urgent. There is usually a delay on official holidays like Christmas. Courier offices are overloaded, and delays are possible.
Econt's working hours during official holidays can be found on their website.
Gift certificates can be used for any of our massage services. They are not redeemable for cash and are non-transferable.
If you miss your appointment without notifying us, your voucher will be deemed used and cannot be used to make another booking.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend. You can cancel and reschedule your booking up to 4 hours before your appointment.
If you are overseas or unable to deliver the voucher, we can send it directly to the recipient instead of you, and even on a specific date. Delivery to the recipient's address is at your expense (~£9) and will be added to the voucher amount. Call us, use our email or write us at what's app +359883331617 to let us know your requirements.
You can book online. Just leave a comment in the note's field that you will use a Gift voucher. It is best to book at least two weeks before the expiry date.
Answers to more questions can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions section. Or call us.
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